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Kingbull Rover Electric Fatbike

Price: $1,199


The Kingbull Rover electric fat bike provides robust performance and comfort for off-road adventures.


Some components, like the grips and welds, could be of higher quality.

Bottom Line

The Kingbull Rover excels in delivering value and durability for its price, making it an ideal choice for trail enthusiasts.
  • Overall Score

The Kingbull Rover excels in delivering value and durability for its price, making it an ideal choice for trail enthusiasts.

Kingbull Rover Electric Fat Bike Review


The Kingbull Rover represents a significant value proposition in the electric fat bike market, particularly at its price point of $1,299. Designed for the adventurous rider, the Rover is equipped with features that enhance its performance across diverse terrains—from sandy trails to snowy paths.

Design and Build Quality

The Rover's aluminum frame is both sturdy and moderately weighted, supporting fat tires that are essential for off-road conditions. The bike features a motorcycle-style suspension, which, while not offering advanced damping, still provides substantial comfort and control over rugged landscapes. Noteworthy are the hydraulic brakes which offer superior modulation and performance.

Performance and Capabilities

Equipped with a 750W motor and a 17.5 amp-hour lithium-ion battery, the Rover promises an extended range, typically up to 60 miles, though practical range tests suggest a reliable 30 miles under regular conditions. The bike's 26x4 inch all-terrain tires, coupled with a Shimano 7-speed shifter, allow for versatile handling and responsiveness in various outdoor settings.

Advanced Features

The bike includes a backlit color LCD display which offers essential information at a glance. Additional conveniences include a throttle for easier acceleration, and a sizeable, cushy softail saddle with a handle underneath for easier transport. However, it lacks a tail light, though it does have a rear reflector for visibility.

Areas for Improvement

Despite its robust features, the Kingbull Rover has areas that could be improved. The grips feel cheap, and the visibility of welding scars at key joints detracts from the overall aesthetic. These aspects may not affect performance directly but could impact the long-term durability and visual appeal of the bike.


The Kingbull Rover electric fat bike stands out in the $1,199 price segment by offering features typically found in more expensive models. Its ability to handle various terrains with ease makes it a worthy investment for those looking to explore beyond paved roads. While it does have some drawbacks in component quality, these do not overshadow the overall value provided by this versatile electric bike.

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